Thursday, May 28, 2020

Scientific Way to Improve your Memory (SWIM)

"Believe in your brain it can work better than a powerful computer"

Before Start any Class :
   Take 5 minutes break every 30 minutes learning.
   No heavy eating before going through a class.
   No alcohol or drugs before going through a class.
   No sugar or white flour before going through a class.
   Do not take notes while describing and applying techniques.

Four Phases of the Memory:
1         Unconscious Incompetence:
                                You don't know what you know.
2       Conscious Incompetence :
                                You know what can be done, but you can't do it.
3        Conscious Competence :
                                You think your way through the process.
4        Unconscious Competence :
                                 You apply the techniques automatically.

SWIM Format
  This Elementary SWIM totally exercise your mind and create the foundation for remembering many words (nouns and verbs) systematically (serially and randomly).
  All foundations and exercises will stimulate and strengthen your neurotransmitters (brain receptors) which are the basis of Short-term (Temporary) memory.
  I want you to enjoy this course. Relax. Have fun. Though some exercises may seem simplistic, they do work. Don't ask why we're doing something - just do it!

An Important Fundamental Concept:
  The Mind Thinks in Pictures.
  Linking (Association) together in logical fashion something you know and something you don't know.
  Use your mental eye, see clear picture and experience yourself then you remember perfectly.
  Close your eyes when you use your mental eye to make a clear picture.
  Increase your mind's speed with a form of metal gymnastics.

Your Mind is like a library :
  When you have a trained memory, your mind is organized and it is like a systematic library. Things you hear, see or think go into mental files so they can be recalled easily.
  With an untrained memory the files are literally jumbled together, thrown onto the floor.

How we Program our Memories to Fail:
  "I have a terrible (poor) Memory"
  "I never remember people's names"
  "I better write this down or I'll forget"
  "I just know I'll forget that appointment (meeting, date, scheduled time)"

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