Thursday, May 28, 2020

तरकारी बारीमा ट्याक्टर जोताई (Tractor plowing in vegetable garden)

चितवन । तरकारीले बजार नपाएपछि पूर्वी चितवनका तरकारी किसानले तरकारीसहित खेत जोत्न सुरु गरेका छन् । खैरहनी नगरपालिका १ वहेराका किसान बासुदेव सापकोटाले १२ वर्षपछि तरकारी खेतीमा ट्याक्टर लगाएर जोताउन बाध्य भएको बताए । (Chitwan. Vegetable farmers of East Chitwan have started cultivating vegetables with vegetables as there is no market for them. Basudev Sapkota, a farmer of Khairhani Municipality-1, Wahera, said that he was forced to plow vegetables with a tractor after 12 years.)

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